Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Abortionist Stabs Baby to Death

This made me physically sick and dizzy. But I post it because we have to know what we are facing in this struggle. This post includes parts of the article - you may click the link at the end of this post to go to the full article at its source.

Wichita, KS, June 24, 2008 ( - A murder investigation has been opened involving Shelley Sella, a California abortionist employed by George Tiller, who according to a former employee is reported to have intentionally stabbed to death an infant born alive during an abortion at Tiller's Women's Health Care Services abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas.

Abortionist Shelley Sella is a "circuit rider", who splits her time between Tiller's Wichita clinic, a California Planned Parenthood clinic, and other, smaller abortion mills.

"Ms. Davis (nurse practitioner at the clinic) gave us a very specific eye-witness account about the incident," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "We were told that the baby was 35 weeks gestation at the time of the abortion. The baby came out and was moving. Sella looked up at Ms. Davis, then picked up a utensil and stabbed the baby in the left ribcage, twisting the utensil until the baby quit moving. At 35 weeks, there is no doubt about viability. This is murder in anybody's book."

Ms. Davis could not explain why the baby was born alive since abortions that late in the pregnancy usually begin with a fatal injection into the baby's heart. However, former abortion patients have said that sometimes the first injection is not always successful.

In March, 2008, Students for Life in America released an undercover video where Tiller told them that if a baby is born alive during an abortion, "It's just sloppy technique. It is just technique that is reprehensible." He added, "The guy that did that ought to have his head beat up."

Read the whole article here.


Fr. Butler said...

This is truly sick. It's amazing what some human beings do to others. Those who try to justify abortions absolutely stun me.

Soutenus said...

My son and I worked together to post this. He said pretty much the same thing but in 8 year old speak --- He said, "That is wrong." And his tone so purely conveyed the sense of being stunned at how anyone could think it was OK.

Maria (also Bia) said...

Oh my goodness. I have no words. I think I'll go say some prayers.

Shosannah said...

I feel so full of sorrow, reading this. That poor, poor little life.

Anonymous said...

They are both in need of some serious prayer.

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