Thursday, January 14, 2010

Quote of the Day

I will remember how St. Peter, at a blast of wind, began to sink because of his lack of faith, and I will do as he did: Call upon Christ and pray to him for help. And then I trust he will place his holy hand on me and in the stormy seas hold me up from drowning.

~  St. Thomas More (Journey With the Saints Calendar)


A thank you and a big H/T to Cathy from A Bit of Blarney for this one. I definitely want to find this calendar!

Graphic: This tempera on wood, created by the Catalan painter Lluis Borrassa (born in Gerona, ca. 1360, died in Barcelona, 1425) depicts Peter, a disciple of Jesus, as he walks on water.

The work (St. Peter is Walking on the Water), which Borrassa created between 1411-13, is at Sant Pere (St. Peter's) in Terrassa, Spain.

Graphic found @ Awesome Stories

1 comment:

Abbey's Road said...

I felt something deep inside me stir as I read this quote. How amazing! I strive to keep this knowledge and faith in it all the days of my life.


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