Maybe it is God.
H/T to Msgr. Charles Pope from The Archdiocese of Washington for this!
"Do you know what the largest growing category of religious observance is?
Many of the Mainline Protestant denominations have lost dramatic numbers. Why?
In large part because they are no longer distinguished from the world around them. Once the distinctiveness of the church experience is lost, its adherents begin to say, “Why bother going since I can get the same things from the world?”
Here, then, is the warning for us: We have been called to be God's, to be in sharp distinction to the world's values and priorities. Once we lose this distinctiveness we begin to lose numbers and parishes, schools close, and we shrink away. Distinguish or die! We’re supposed to be salt and light! So pass the salt and turn on the lights."
Here’s the a fore mentioned video of Fr. Robert Barron Video where he reviews a recent survey on religion and some of the basic trends.
Yes, I think it is important that we remember that we need to distinguish ourselves from Protestants and not try to act exactly like them.
It's scary isn't it? We need our Church Militant to be strong, now more than ever.
Very good post!!
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