Thursday, January 29, 2009

Preparing for the Mass - Februaury 1, 2009

A lot has happened in 6 months.
Before Hurricane Ike, my husband's heart attack, losing our house, and then my daughter's cancer diagnosis, I dedicated Thursdays to a, Preparing for the Mass post.

I, uhhhm, couldn't seem to keep that up.

First and most importantly, our daughter has received a miracle - the surgeon got all of the cancer! From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your prayers. Our daughter will be closely monitored for the next year. (You can keep praying if you want!!!)

We are moving again and hubby goes back for more tests this month to see what procedures are next (we are praying for another miracle).

I would really like to start those consistent posts again. They helped me and I hope they were useful to others. Here goes:

First - for the children.

Now for us big kids:
This Sunday is the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Get to Know the Readings.

Reflections for this Sunday can be found at The Center for Liturgy Sunday.
Here is an example of what you can find there (by Larry Gillick, S. J., of Creighton University's Deglman Center for Ignatian Spirituality):
We hear from Moses today in our First Reading from the Book of Deuteronomy. The verses immediately before our Reading comprise a detailed warning about listening to or trusting in sorcerers, soothsayers and various forms of fortune-telling. The people who occupied the land, to which God is giving the Jews, did all these things. For their practices they are being dispossessed. . . . .

These next four Sunday Gospels leading up to Lent picture Jesus healing individuals from their various illnesses. Today we watch his healing of a man with an unclean spirit.
You can read the entire reflection here.


A Bit of the Blarney said...

Praise be to Almighty God!!! Cathy

Alexandra said...

My prayers are with you!

Marie said...

Praise God for such a miracle! Will keep you and your family in my prayers:).

I will never understand why so many people are attracted to those who supposedly talk to the dead and making millions. Even Christians visit these soothsayers despite the Bibles warning.

Excellent post:)

peace to you Soutenus

Marie xooxoxo

SQUELLY said...

What an amazing post! My prayers are with you and your bravery (and faith) is an inspriation

Theresa Lehr said...

I didn't know 2008 was so difficult for you, God bless you all! If you want to link your blog to mine, that's fine. I'd like to do the same, but I don't know how! Let me know.

Lisa said...

So So Glad to hear this heaven-sent news about your daughter ~ and hopefully soon your husband, too, will be on a good course! You're still in our prayers.

Thanks for all you do for us! You are a treasure!

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