Sunday, June 22, 2008

ABC Meme

Go in order
Answer the questions and
then tag 3!

I am tagging Lisa, Bia, & Barb

A is for age:
I am a great believer in the adage, "You are as old as you feel" . . . . that means somedays I am 29 and other days I am 49!

B is for burger of choice:
I am coming off of a year of being a vegetarian. I am easing back into meat. So, I would have to say . . . . a turkey burger with a slice of fresh tomato and onion.

C is for what kind of car you drive:
Emma Rae is a Buick Regal -- she is my sweetie with over 140K miles.
C is also for your favorite past vehicle:
Ruby, my maroon Volvo station wagon, that I left in PA. I was planning a move 1500 miles away. Ruby was a trooper but my Volvo mechanic was, of course, also in PA. If you have an older Volvo you MUST have an honest, knowledgeable Volvo mechanic on whom you can depend! Steve was that guy.

D is for your dog's name:
Bootsie (our 14 year old long haired chihuahua) and Lucky (our 3 year old rescue Golden)

E is for essential item you use everyday:
My laptop.

F is for favorite TV show at the moment:
We are borrowing the complete DVD series of Everybody Loves Raymond from our very nice neighbor, J.
Only the first season was appropriate (in my humble opinion) for the kids. My hubby and I have been watching the rest of the seasons -- enjoying and trying to find episodes here and there that are appropriate for the kiddos.

G is for favorite game:
To watch: Football
To play alone: Free Rice & 8 Letters in Search of a Word
To play with friends: Balderdash or Scattagories

H is for Home State:

I is for instruments you play:
Guitar (very, very badly)

J is for favorite juice:
Freshly squeezed grapefruit and orange juice mix

K is for whose butt you'd like to kick:
I refuse to answer on the grounds that answering this may incriminate me at my place of employment. LOL

L is for last restaurant at which you ate?
Buca di Beppo Italian Restaurant
L is also for your favorite restaurant:
Hands down -- no competition! Viggiano's Italian Restaurant in Conshohocken, PA ~~~>

M is for your favorite Muppet:
Kermit (is he a Muppet?)

N is for Number of Piercing:

O is for overnight hospital stays:
Not counting pregnancies -- Tubes in my ears @ about 3 years old, Pneumonia @ 4 (oxygen tent and all)
I hope that is it/all done/finito!

P is for people you were with today:
Family, Fellow Parishioners at Mass

Q is for what you do with your quiet time:
Blog, Read, Raymond

R is for biggest regret:
None so far.

S is for status:
Very married

T is for time you woke up today:
7:00 am

U is for what you consider unique about yourself:
I have an uncanny ability to make up songs (really good ones) on the spot when faced with a large number of very young children needing to be distracted, entertained or taught. Fellow teachers are continually asking me where I learned this or that song and often ask for a copy of it. This is really quite embarrassing because I can never remember these songs after the fact.
When I confessed this to a friend she suggested I have a tape recorder running throughout class --- haven't tried it yet.

V is for vegetable you love:

W is for worst habit:
My youngest would probably say - I tell him "just a minute" and take ten

X is for x-rays you've had:
Dental and chiropractic

Y is for yummy food you ate today:
This morning I made oatmeal with diced up fresh apple, brown sugar, walnuts and a touch of half and half. It was REALLY good!
Tonight I had fresh, homemade salsa with LOTS of garlic.

Z is for zodiac sign:


Maria (also Bia) said...

Hey, sounds like fun! I love your worse habit . . . my sons would say the same thing!

I also love that unique fact about you. Do you make up the songs to known tunes? You're probably great to have at a party!

Have a great day!

Lisa said...

This is a fun one! I've seen people on tv who can make up songs off the cuff like that and it totally amazes me! I SO don't have that kind of ability. Like Bia says, I bet it's great at parties ~ or in the classroom! &:o)

Shosannah said...

This was a fun meme.
I enjoyed reading your answers.

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