Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Clown of God

I read a post over at Domestic Vocation
that reminded me of one of my favorite children's books (in a crazy train of thought).
I found a review and a picture to share.

Book Review from Clown Ministry:

"The Clown of God is a touching story, a children's story, a Christmas story, and a clown ministry story – all at the same time. In a nutshell, an orphaned street urchin goes begging from door to door, juggling for his food. He joins a traveling troupe of entertainers, and gains fame and fortune as a juggler, until he grows old, and again becomes a homeless beggar.

On one cold night, he seeks shelter in a nearby church, and falls asleep. He awakens to the site of the townspeople offering gifts to statues of the baby Jesus and his mother. The crowd leaves, and our juggler approaches, to see that the statues are sad. He puts on his clown face, and juggles as he never has before, to put a smile on the divine Child's face. He dies of a heart attack in the attempt. The monks in the church, who thought that his performance was sacrilegious, turn to see that the statue of Mary and the baby Jesus are now smiling. The message of the story seems to be that it is not what you can offer the Lord, but the spirit in which you offer it, that really matters."

Learn more about Tomie DePaola and his books @ Meet the Authors.

Tomie DePaola's website is nice place to visit, also.

1 comment:

Christine the Soccer Mom said...

This is one of my favorite books by DePaola. It nearly always makes me weep when I read it. (I'm tearing up now, just thinking of the juggler saying, "For You, dear Child! For You!")

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