Sunday, May 20, 2007

Abortion and the Candidates' Quotes

Click here to see what the New York Times has reported as a look at what all the candidates, Democratic or Republican, have said on the issues of abortion and related subjects. Just to peak your curiousity. . . Who do you think said:
#1) "I ultimately do believe in a woman's right of choice, but I think that there are ways in which we can reduce abortions." Rudy Giuliani (R) or Hillary Rodham Clinton (D)

#2) "I'm pro-life because I believe life begins at conception, and I believe that we should do everything possible to protect that life because it is the centerpiece of what makes us unique as an American people. We value the life of one as if it's the life of all." Rudy Giuliani (R) or Mike Huckabee (R)

#3) "I strongly support Roe v. Wade. I wouldn't have a specific question, but I'd make sure that the people I sent to be nominated to the Supreme Court shared my values and understood that there is a right to privacy in the United States Constitution." Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D) or Hillary Rodham Clinton (D) or

In case you do not want to click on the link and find the answers I have listed the answers at bottom of this post. The New York Times Article sums up candidates' responses in nice little quote boxes. (Not like real life)

I remind myself to always watch what candidates do. It may be a trite saying but it is true: "Actions speak louder than words." Sometimes the words used are full of buzz terms and emotion-provoking labels that hide any straightforward or real answer.

Classic example:
A candidate's view on public funding and/or nominating judges based on the issue:
One candidate said, "I have an obligation to my constituents to make sure that I cast my vote for Chief Justice of the United States for someone I am convinced will be steadfast in protecting fundamental women's rights, civil rights, privacy rights, and who will respect the appropriate separation of powers among the three branches."
-- Statement on the Nomination of John Roberts to be Chief Justice, September 22, 2005
Hilary Clinton, I do believe we should decode that!

women's rights = pro choice (not women's rights like equal pay for equal work or the right to vote or the right to own property. . . )

civil rights - like what, integrated schools? the right to assemble? Or perhaps is she speaking of the right to have health care pay for the abortion of unwanted children?

privacy rights - I hate to sound sarcastic and mistrusting but . . . privacy rights??? So people can kill babies without the stigma of everyone knowing, perhaps?

Answers to the 3 questions at the top of the post:
#1 Rudy Giuliani (R)
#2 Mike Huckabee (R)
#3 Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D)
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