Sunday, December 3, 2023

Great Day in Bethlehem


Narrators     James and Charley

Mary      Lily

Joseph   Matthew

Angel Gabriel   Reza

Question Asker   Lana

Isaiah Speaker I Maria

Isaiah Speaker II Ryan

Magnificat Speaker I Katherine

Magnificat Speaker II   Arianna

Inn Keepers        Nathan Cruz & Stella

Shepherd Angel   Eva Tawney

Shepherd Speaker  Mary Tawney

Shepherds  Beckett, Daniel H, Maria


Everyone on stage

Mary     (center stage)

Narrators at podium with microphone

Question Asker near Narrators   (downstage right) 

2 Isaiah Speakers, 2 Magnificat Speakers   (downstage right)

Angel Gabriel, Joseph    (downstage right)

Shepherds    (downstage left)

Shepherd Angel     (downstage left)

Scene 1:  Intro, 🎶Dem Bones, Isaiah Prophecy 

Narrator II :  

One of the Greatest Stories ever told, is that of Christmas Day . . . . 

when Christ was born in Bethlehem and GLORY spread a long, long way.

Angels sang with joy, guiding shepherds through the night.

A humble manger cradled hope in holy, radiant light.

But our story starts in Genesis; the 6th day . . . . sets the stage.

A tale of grace unfolding, through time’s eternal page.

Question Asker: What IS the story in Genesis?

James: Well . . . 

Dem Bones        

Cast/chorus remain standing (on stage)


God makes it clear that He has a plan to save us even though we are born with original sin. In the Protoevangelium, the first prophecy in the Bible, He tells us of Mary and of Jesus, who is our Savior.

God tells us in Genesis 3:15


I will put enmity between you and the woman,                                                                                

and your seed and her seed.                                                                                                                     

She will crush your head,                                                                                                                        

and you will lie in wait for her heel.

Cast exits stage right and left to go to gym floor places

Stay on stage or wings: 

Mary center stage 

Isaiah Speakers stay

Magnificat Speakers stay (hidden hall)

Gabriel wings stage right

Isaiah Speaker I:  The prophecies in the Bible continue. Isaiah tells us

Isaiah Speaker II:  “Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Emmanuel.”                                                                                                                   

Isaiah Speakers exit stage right and join chorus on gym floor

Scene 2:  🎶Angel Gabriel, 🎶Mary Said Yes, Magnificat 


Narrator II:  God sent the Archangel Gabriel to the town of Nazareth in Galilee to a virgin named Mary. 

She was betrothed to a man named Joseph who was of the line of David.  

Gabriel's Song

Cast remains seated. 

Gabriel enters stage (take microphone from NII) & stands by Mary, who is sitting prayerfully on stepstool center stage.

 James leads and all may sing:  

I'm the angel Gabriel, and I have come to tell you 

That God has chosen you to bear his son.

God told me to tell you

To name the baby Jesus

He will be Emmanuel

Gabriel: Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you.  Blessed are you among women.  Do not fear, Mary.  You shall bear a Son, and He will be called Son of the Most High.   

         Mary I am the handmaiden of the Lord.  Be it done unto me according to your word. 

Narrator:   And Jesus, the Word of God, was incarnate of the Virgin Mary and became Man.

What Mary said next, we call the MAGNIFICAT.

Magnificat Speakers to microphone.

Magnificat Speaker 1             

Mary said,

My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,

my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,

for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant.

From this day all generations will call me blessed:

Magnificat Speaker 2

The Almighty has done great things for me,

and holy is his Name.

He has mercy on those who fear him 

in every generation.

Gabriel and Mag speakers to gym places as chorus stands

Mary Said Yes to God  (chorus et al)

Mary said yes to God one day

Mary said yes to God

She said, "Yes, I will be what you want me to be."

Mary said, "Lord be it done unto me."

Mary said yes to God one day

I will be part of Your plan.

And in the meantime; and in between time.

I'll do the best that I can. "Thank you!"

I'll do the best that I can.

Chorus exits --> to gym floor. 

InnKeepers to stage places

     Joseph walks onto stage to join Mary

Casey joins James for TRAVELERS song.

Scene 3:  Joseph and Mary, 🎶Travelers

Narrator II:  

While Mary was with child, the Roman Emperor decreed that everyone should be registered. Mary and Joseph had to go to Bethlehem for this.  It was a long journey.

Mary & Joseph “walk to Bethlehem.”  

Inn Keepers to stage -- set up “Inn” 

Make sure Mary’s step stool is in place with baby and broom in place during song.


Scene 4:  Bethlehem, Mary & Joseph, Innkeepers, 🎶Silent Night

Narrator II: Joseph and Mary searched and searched for a place to stay.

They finally reached the very last inn. 

Joseph knocks

Innkeeper:  There is no room at the Inn. But you can stay in our stable.

Inn Keepers walk Mary and Joseph to the stable / Mary sits and Joseph sweeps

Narrator: Joseph made it as clean and comfortable as he could. 

And it was in that stable at the back of the Inn that Mary gave birth to her son - the Son of God - Jesus.

Chorus stands, turns to audience, and signs the song. Mary holds baby.

Silent Night 1st verse (Casey) & chorus signs

Scene 5:  Shepherds and Angel, 🎶Away in a Manger

Chorus sits. 

*Shepherds in the chorus go to their places (downstage center).  Enter steps house right/stage left

Shepherd Angel goes onto stage (stage right)& waits to take microphone 

Narrator II:  There were shepherds* in Bethlehem, that night. 

They were outside in the fields, watching their sheep to make sure that nothing hurt them. 

Narrator: Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with fear.  

Shepherds shield eyes and cower or sit on heels in fear. The Angel Speaker takes microphone and steps in front of narrators & to the shepherds.   

Angel Speaker:   Be not afraid. For behold, I bring you good news of great joy.  

For to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, Who is Christ the Lord.  

You will find the Baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. 

The Shepherd Speaker takes microphone.

Shepherd Speaker

Let us go to Bethlehem, now, and see this baby, which the Lord has made known to us. 

Come let us make haste!

The Shepherd Speaker gives microphone to Angel.

          Angel returns microphone to James & Angel exits stage right to gym floor.

Shepherds to the Baby Jesus & kneel reverently (Alternative: all sing Hark the Herald Angels Sing)

Narrator II:  The shepherds  hurried to Bethlehem and found the stable.

And there, just as the angel told them, was Baby Jesus lying in a manger.

Away in a Manger

Scene 6:  Finale, 🎶Great Day in Bethlehem, 🎶Joy to the World


          Narrator:  The shepherds had met the Messiah!  

          It was truly a Great Day in Bethlehem!

One of the Greatest Stories ever told, is that of Christmas Day . . . . 

when Christ was born in Bethlehem and GLORY spread a long, long way.

The Angels cried, “O Glory Be - Hosanna let us sing!

Let Peace be on earth, good will be toward men, 

for today was born a King!

Great Day in Bethlehem 3X

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Joyful  procession!

Joy to the World


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