Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Vatican Inquiry Into Legionaries Concluded

A team of 5 bishops has completed an 8-month probe into the affairs of the Legionaries of Christ. Although the Vatican has not released any comment on the inquiry, informed officials have speculated that the Holy See might appoint a new head for the troubled religious order.

Vatican journalist Sandro Magister of L'Espresso predicts flatly:
"A commissioner appointed by the Vatican will take comman of the Legionaries of Christ, orphans of their founder Marcial Maciel, disgraced by scandals." 

More drastic alternatives could include dissolving or "re-founding" the order.

Speculation about the future of the Legionaries has been rife since last year, when leaders of the order admitted that the late Father Maciel had apparently led a double life. One key question-- presumably addressed in the apostolic visitation-- was whether current leaders of the Legionaries had been aware of the founder's misconduct.

Five prelates were named to conduct the probe of the Legion:  (All Archbishops)
  1. Charles Chaput of Denver 
  2. Ricardo Ezzato Andrello of Concepcion, Chile
  3. Ricardo Blazquez Perez of Valladolid, Spain
  4. Giuseppe Versaldi of Alessandria Italy
  5. Ricardo Watty Urquidi of Tepic Mexico
They have now completed their work.


1 comment:

Abbey's Road said...

I've been watching this ... glad you posted the latest. This is so sad and hurts our Church in the worst way. In addition, I find increasing dismay by other "religious" sectors casting stones.

Hope you are well, Soutenous. You are such a dear friend.


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