Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Where We Are and Where We Are Going

An update for some people who have asked. If you stop by here often you already know most of this.
On May 24 we . . . . had a fire
had to move
had no where TO move
stayed in a hotel 3 days . . . . and then God literally started putting a path in front of us . . . .
  • First we did alot of house sitting for different people. <~~~~~ The picture (left) is the view from a tree house in Trinity, Texas that our friend built. It was WAAAAYYY up high, about three stories up. It was a tiny bit scary climbing up but the view was spectacular. The new perspective was priceless. I started thinking about how we are always in God's care and that all this stuff that was happening just required us to have a different perspective. Yep, fighting to find that new perspective was a little scary, that's for sure, but worth the effort. There is another picture, below, of the tree house itself.
  • We stayed with dear friends for a bit (thank you Colleen and Mike!), then traveled to San Antonio and Uncle Danny fixed our car!
  • Onto another friend's home for awhile (thank you, Cheryl).
  • More house sitting in Texas and then my son and I flew to Amish country where we visited with friends from my elementary school years at their B&B. They even arranged for us to share a dinner with a neighboring Amish family!
There are pictures below of Pablo pushing the luggage and home school stuff needed for 3 months. There is also a great picture of him running through a cornfield with the youngest member of the Amish family we had dinner with.
  • We then traveled to Julie's house on The Chesapeake Bay (truly heavenly!) ~~~> note the perfect ronde jambe circles I made on the Bay's Beach! ~~~~~>
There are pictures below of The Bay and bathtime IN the bay!
  • We scooted on back to the B&B in Amish country taking Colleen and family (friends from Texas) with us!
  • Went to Gettysburg and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton's Shrine in MD.
  • The stomach flu attacked some members of our party and waylaid us for a day or so . . . .
  • then on to Valley Forge and Historic Philadelphia for a couple of days
  • Our Texas friends traveled back to the Lone Star State and now my son and I are house sitting for Aunt Jaynie and sort of re-grouping.

All of our luggage and homeschooling "stuff" for 3 months!

Pablo insisted on being in charge of luggage. He did a great job!


Anonymous said...

Well, I'm glad to know you are all still around. My kids would love that tree house! Keep the faith - I'm still praying for you.

Soutenus said...

Thank you so much, Paula! I am keeping the faith but get shaky now and again.
Many things have to fall into place for us to get back to our house. I keep telling myself to trust God inch by inch.... :-)

A Bit of the Blarney said...

It is good to hear how you are doing! thank you and God bless! Cathy

Soutenus said...

Thanks, Cathy.
I really miss staying in better touch with my Catholic blog friends.
Never know when I will have Internet access, you know!

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