Wednesday, January 28, 2009

St. Thomas Aquinas - Feast: January 28th (Obligatory Memorial)

St. Thomas was born in 1225 A.D. into the family of the Count of Aquino.
He has been given the title of the Angelic Doctor.

One of his most known works was Summa Theologiæ* which was never finished because he died on his way to the Council of Lyons in 1274 A.D.
After having a vision of Christ, he declared:
"All my works seem like straw after what I have seen."
St. Thomas Aquinas is the Patron Saint of :
Book Sellers
Catholic Schools

You will often see depictions of St. Thomas with a sun or an angelic face on the front of his habit, denoting his title as the "Doctor Angelicus" (the Angelic Doctor/Teacher), often looking upwards into a ray of light as he's writing the Summae (divine inspiration).

"A man who works with his hands is a laborer;
a man who works with his hands and his mind is a craftsman;
but a man who works with his hands and his brain
and his heart is an artist. " St. Thomas Aquinas

* The Summa Theologiae (also sometimes referred to as the Summa Theologica) is the most famous work of St Thomas Aquinas (c. 1225 – 7 March 1274).
Summa Theologiae means Summary of Theology.
It was a compilation of all of the main Christian theological teachings of that time. It became so reputed that at the Council of Trent, it was consulted after the Bible itself on religious questions.
The Summa Theologiae is a more mature and structured version of an earlier work of Aquinas, the Summa Contra Gentiles. This former work was more apologetic in nature, and each article was a refutation of a specific belief of different heresies and other religions. The Summa Theologiae is famous for its quinquae viae which literally means "five streets," i.e. five ways to prove the existence of God. Many believe that the Summa Theologiae is the greatest theological statement of the Middle Ages.

Ironically this great, learned, holy and humble man had the nickname: Dumb Ox

Note @ 3pm . . . . Wow! Look what I just found at The Catholic Primer on line library!

Aquinas, O.P., Thomas; Saint, Doctor [1225 - 1274]
Catechetical Instructions (.html) - A short Catechism of the Catholic Church; providing a discussion of the Ten Commandments, The Lord's Prayer, The Sacraments of the Catholic Church, and the Hail Mary.
Catechetical Instructions (.pdf)
Summa Theologica (.html) - Perhaps the most definitive work on the subjects of Theology and Faith, the Summa Theologica has profoundly impacted Christian thought and philosophy; not only Catholic, but protestant as well.
Summa Theologica - PALM PILOT DOWNLOAD - Warning- This file is EXTREMELY LARGE- Over 7 MB - and should only be downloaded via a high-speed connection. Download is via our sister site.
[Companion to the Summa - Walter Farrell, O.P.]
The Summa Contra Gentiles of St. Thomas Aquinas (.pdf) - (Of God and His Creatures: an Annotated Translation by Fr. Rickaby, S.J.)

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