Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Gifts of The Magi

This beautiful graphic is from one of my favorite daily check-in blogs: Holy Cards for Your Inspiration.

This, I also read there:

The Three Gifts
The Gold of Love,
the Myrrh of Self-denial,
and the (Frank)Incense of Prayer.

I don't know exactly why The Feast of the Epiphany creates such a stir in my heart, but it does. I much prefer this Feast Day to our secular New Year's Eve and Day.

The journey and gifts of the Magi provide a grounding to me. I, too, feel I must sometimes travel unknown territory to find Christ. I find myself on that path a lot, especially when I have had a time of spiritual denial. That can happen in an instant or over time. The evil one is so cunning in trying to draw us away from God.
I, too, am called to go against the secular norm. I must walk in faith, as they surely did.
Maybe it is no coincidence that our parish, when I was a child, was Epiphany of Our Lord Catholic Church.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I'm the same way about the Epiphany. I don't know why it is, but it just seems to be such a rich and sweet feast ~ maybe it's because I get a chance to enjoy it in a simpler, more thorough way after the busy-ness of Christmas "proper" is over? Happy Epiphany ~ one day late!

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