Monday, December 1, 2008

Jesse Tree December 1

December 1

Symbols: Tree, Man and Woman

Adam and Eve are the first ancestors of the human race. Christ is called the "second" or "new Adam" because He ushered in the new creation by forgiving sin and restoring humanity to the grace of God's friendship lost by original sin. Mary, because she is the mother of the eternal Son of God made man, is called the "new Eve," the "mother of the living" in the order of grace.

Recommended Readings: Genesis 2:7-9; 18-24

source: Catholic Culture


Lisa said...

We learned a couple years ago that one of the foundations for the beginning of the Christmas tree tradition was Creation plays, centered around Adam and Eve. Have you heard that? Apparently in medievel days, our first parents had a feast day near Christmas time. A tree was used for a prop, of course, with apples hanging on it.... Nativity scenes eventually were interwoven with these plays, too, if memory serves, and eventually, though the Creation plays disappeared, the decorated trees survived... I love the Catholic history of these things!

Soutenus said...

I love the Catholic history of these things, too! You got me thinking and searching for details . . . and you inspired my next post!

Thanks and Blessings!

Maria (also Bia) said...

This Friday's Family night at our house will be centered on the history of the Christmas thanks for all this info.

Also, I love your daily Jesse tree...we'll be checking in every morning.


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