Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A Good "Mother Style" Negotiation Just Makes Sense

I stole this straight from Suburban Correspondent. It is soooo on target!
Wait! if I am giving her the reference I guess that isn't exactly stealing, right?

"It does look as though the Republicans have figured out that to achieve, say, a settlement between the Israelis and the Palestinians, they don't need some politician who doesn't know squat about making people get along; they need, instead, someone who has spent at least 15 years forcing her children to coexist somewhat peaceably. I can picture Ms. Palin sitting down with those recalcitrant Middle Easterners now:
Ms. Palin: Okay, fellas, what seems to be the problem here?
Mahmoud Abbas: Well, they started it; they came in and took our land and...
Ehud Olmert: Liar! The UN said we could have it. They voted and everything!
Mahmoud Abbas: Oh, yeah? Well, they didn't say you could kick us out!
Ehud Olmert: We didn't kick you out - you ran away. Babies!
Ms. Palin: Boys! Boys! What's past is past. There seem to be several sticking points to negotiations here. Let's look at this Jerusalem issue. It seems you both want it, and you're not willing to share.
Mahmoud: We were sharing, but they took our piece!
Ehud: We took your piece because you were going to take our piece!
Mahmoud: Liar, liar, pants on fire!
Ms. Palin: It's clear that you two cannot get along. What we'll have to do is take turns. Mahmoud, I'm going to set this timer. You can have Jerusalem for, oh, 6 months; and then Ehud here can take the next 6 months.
Ehud: How come he gets it first?"


Suburban Correspondent said...

I only wish I had added the last line that one of my commenters later suggested: Ms. Palin saying, "Because I said so!"

Barb Szyszkiewicz said...


I know it was all a joke, but I have to say that being a mom made me a better teacher because I was better able to manage classroom conflicts. I imagine that might translate to negotiations on other levels as well :)

Lisa said...

LOL! Thanks for this one! Too funny, but I gotta say I've been thinking the same thing. If you are a mother with more than one child and a husband at home, you already know more about negotiations than any man I know. Bless them all.

Marie said...

LOL Soutenus
This is way cute!!! Goes back to my childhood..'no it's her fault..yes it it isn't..yes it is...etc LOL!

Excellent loved it.

In humour

Marie lol

Renae said...

Love it, love it, love it! I think Ms. Sarahcuda is going to make a great VP!

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