Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sacred Space ---> On-line Prayer & Scripture

Wow, lots can happen in a day!
I spent part of yesterday in the emergency room. Long story short - all is going to be ok. This homeopathy girl is thankful for both homeopathic remedies AND . . . . . drugs . . . . . when absolutely necessary. Like yesterday.

It reminded me to try again with prayer and acceptance of situations I have no power to remedy.

I send this out especially for Kurt and Linda. You are in my prayers.

Here is a beautiful place I found and wanted to share:
Sacred Space: Daily Prayer On-line
This website is produced by the Irish Jesuits

Here is a brief outline of the site and its purpose:
It might seem strange to pray at your computer, in front of a screen, especially if there are other people around you, or distracting noises. But God is everywhere, all around us, constantly reaching out to us, even in the most unlikely situations. When we know this, and with a bit of practice, we can pray anywhere! The following pages will guide you through a session of prayer, in six stages, including preparing your body and mind, and culminating in reflection on a scripture passage chosen specially for the day.


Lisa said...

Hope all is well now, Peggy!

Soutenus said...

Thanks Lisa. Much better.

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