Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A Sower Went to Sow Some Seeds

I was visiting A Bit of Blarney today and found this wonderful thought. . . . it is only slightly paraphrased.
"The garden I should be worrying about is not the one with the weeds in the soil outside.
The garden where the weeds need to be pulled and seeds need to be planted is the garden of my soul, The Real Garden.
Goodness! What a revelation. For how my soul looks with its weeds and flowers is also how I appear to others who witness my works."

We are preparing our After School Theater production of "Acorns to Oaks" at my school. It is a play that speaks to children about this very idea of our souls and lives as gardens. It helps everyone (young and old) reflect on their lives as gardens that, hopefully, glorify God. There are lots of metaphors in the play, from very obvious to sublimely subtle.
The thoughts expressed over at A Bit of Blarney harmonized so beautifully with our play that I just had to include it in my Catholic Notebook.

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