Saturday, March 1, 2008

Butterflies - In Small Things God is Revealed

I just read an article in The Wall Street Journal (of all places) that reminds me, "How great is our God!" The last line of the article is: "In small things considered is the world revealed."
As Paul Harvey would say, "And, here is the rest of the story."

In central Mexico, millions of monarch butterflies soon will stir and take flight. Their incredible annual migration offers us a rare insight into the molecular biology of time and travel. 

In the depth of winter, the monarchs can sense spring. This month, March, they will be returning north. It is not known what brings them back to the same places every year.

The article explained that the monarch's sense of time is crucial to its survival as it flies by the sun across open country. An innate chronometer enables feats of transcontinental navigation that, left to human calculation, might require the Global Positioning System and a computer-aided autopilot. Without a reliable clock, a traveler relying solely on a sun compass could easily get turned around, from morning to afternoon!

What scientists have learned actually transcends monarchs.

Scientists (names cited in the original article) studied the four brain cells that function as the monarch's timing device. Two brain cells drive the clockworks. The first is common to plants and other insects.

The second "stunned" the scientists because it so closely resembled one found only in humans and other mammals. It functions in the "butterfly clock" almost identically to the way it functions in our "human clock"!

I sometimes think of God watching us like we patiently and lovingly watch our children discover new wonders. He gave us this earth and all in it . . . . being good stewards should not be viewed as just a responsibility but an amazing gift!

Think of it!  In a single brain cell in a beautiful monarch butterfly God left us something wonderful to help us understand our own human bodies.

In Small Things Considered is God Revealed!

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