At the bottom of one of my most heartfelt posts "Anonymous" wrote this comment,
"I'm always bewildered by how many times Catholics use the term 'the Church' when they should be saying 'Jesus Christ.' Jesus Christ is the Savior of all mankind. It's not a church, not sacraments, not membership in any church or organization. It's a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and with Him alone.""Anonymous" must be far more virtuous than I am. Me, I forget. Which means I am a sinner. I do not have any problem with the old-fashioned concepts of sin and The Devil, because for me sin is when I forget the Commandments (two or ten), and the Devil is anything that leads me into forgetting. Apparently, "Anonymous" forgets far less than I do, seldom falls into sin, isn't lured away by the Devil.
This is precisely why I, as a Catholic, need the Church and, yes, love the Church. I would love to have and perhaps sometimes I even do feel a direct relationship with Jesus Christ (that's my business). But the Church is my connection with Our Savior, my daily relationship, my other marriage. Alone, I'm afraid I would not be capable of remembering.
So I wake up around

Very often I leave mass with my arm slung over Ferde's big shoulders, and we walk down the marble steps worn by a century of worship. And why not, when St. Mary Star of the Sea is this beautiful? Later in the morning, at his appointed hour, Ferde will return for Eucharistic Adoration. My accustomed hour is 2:30–3:30, and on days when I am out of town on business, Ferde sometimes covers for me (he is retired). He does this—we do this in a conscious act of solidarity at St. Mary's—so that Jesus will not be left alone. I often take a walk late in the afternoon, sometimes with my rosary in hand, if I haven't already said a rosary before Mass or during Adoration, and when I return home before dinner —if I remember— I read Evening Prayer.

Saints Cornelius and Cyprian were third-century martyrs. I am particularly touched by the love Cyprian expressed for Cornelius in his letter. ("Let us then remember one another, united in mind and heart.") And by the courage Cornelius showed in the face of violent death. ("When the executioner arrived, Cyprian told his friends to give the man twenty-five gold pieces.") The liturgy of the Church, my Church, promises me that in some way too mysterious for me to grasp completely, I am in communion with these and all the other saints who have inspired me. This is almost too much for me to bear.
Who are these saints? What is

This is why I am not just a Catholic but a proud member of the universal and (despite so many human failings over two thousand years of forgetting) Holy Catholic Church.
Note from Soutenus:
This post has been, ever so lightly, edited.
I am so pleased to have found the blog, Why I Am Catholic.
And, I appreciate being able to keep copies of such inspiring posts here in my online Catholic Notebook.
"In the olden days," as my son might say . . . . . I would have to copy them, punch holes for the notebook and then keep up with an ever growing table of contents to keep it all organized.
Beautiful - thanks for leading me to a new blog!
Thanks for sharing your notebook page. :)
"It's not a church, not sacraments, not membership in any church or organization. It's a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and with Him alone."
What they don't understand is that we have BOTH - the Church and a personal relationship with Jesus. That's what makes Catholicism so rich and layered - you can have it all!
ALWAYS so pleased when I find a new blog I like. Happy to pass it on!
You are spot on! Catholicism really is the fullness of truth!
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